
Wuxi’s all media news interview team focuses on HOdo

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On March 30, Wuxi’s all media news interview team composed of Wuxi Daily, Wuxi Radio & Television News Center, Wuxi New Media and other media as led by Liu Lie, head of the News Section of the Propaganda Department of Wuxi municipal Party committee visited HOdo. Zhou Haijiang, co-chairman of the Group’s board of directors and executive director Wang Zhuqian and so on received the interview team hospitably. This interview focused on “carrying on the industrial and commercial ‘gene’, carry forward the spirit of craftsman”. The interview team interviewed Zhou Haijiang, and related responsible person of HOdo men’s wear, HOdo shopping mall, HOdo telecom, etc. respectively, and visited HOdo’s exhibition hall, men’s smart shop, etc. in order to know about the general situation and the latest news of the Group.     


During the symposium, Zhou Haijiang introduced HOdo’s “three independents and six standards” in 2016 to the interview team. He also focused on the elaboration of HOdo’s high-end development, and stressed the importance of “creative monopoly”. Zhou remarked that if HOdo intended to develop both ends of the smiling curve, it needed to concentrate on development and design at the front end and brand construction at the back end to keep raising the enterprise’s additional value. At the same time, it is necessary to make the overall arrangement on the strategic newly-developing industry and medium and high-end industry. Zhou also emphasized that high-end development needed to be supported by “three independents”. Based on the focus of development as mentioned by Zhou, related responsible person of HOdo, by referring to the actual work, introduced to the interview team the overall upgrading on product design, supply chain, production, sale, internal management and other operation links.